Point*scalar multiplication (X25519)

Sodium provides an API to multiply a point on the Curve25519 curve.

This can be used as a building block to construct key exchange mechanisms, or more generally to compute a public key from a secret key.

On current libsodium versions, you generally want to use the crypto_kx API for key exchange instead.


int crypto_scalarmult_base(unsigned char *q, const unsigned char *n);

Given a user's secret key n (crypto_scalarmult_SCALARBYTES bytes), the crypto_scalarmult_base() function computes the user's public key and puts it into q (crypto_scalarmult_BYTES bytes).

crypto_scalarmult_BYTES and crypto_scalarmult_SCALARBYTES are provided for consistency, but it is safe to assume that crypto_scalarmult_BYTES == crypto_scalarmult_SCALARBYTES.

int crypto_scalarmult(unsigned char *q, const unsigned char *n,
                      const unsigned char *p);

This function can be used to compute a shared secret q given a user's secret key and another user's public key.

n is crypto_scalarmult_SCALARBYTES bytes long, p and the output are crypto_scalarmult_BYTES bytes long.

q represents the X coordinate of a point on the curve. As a result, the number of possible keys is limited to the group size (≈2^252), which is smaller than the key space.

For this reason, and to mitigate subtle attacks due to the fact many (p, n) pairs produce the same result, using the output of the multiplication q directly as a shared key is not recommended.

A better way to compute a shared key is h(q ‖ pk1 ‖ pk2), with pk1 and pk2 being the public keys.

By doing so, each party can prove what exact public key they intended to perform a key exchange with (for a given public key, 11 other public keys producing the same shared secret can be trivially computed).

This can be achieved with the following code snippet:

unsigned char client_publickey[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
unsigned char client_secretkey[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES];
unsigned char server_publickey[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
unsigned char server_secretkey[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES];
unsigned char scalarmult_q_by_client[crypto_scalarmult_BYTES];
unsigned char scalarmult_q_by_server[crypto_scalarmult_BYTES];
unsigned char sharedkey_by_client[crypto_generichash_BYTES];
unsigned char sharedkey_by_server[crypto_generichash_BYTES];
crypto_generichash_state h;

/* Create client's secret and public keys */
randombytes_buf(client_secretkey, sizeof client_secretkey);
crypto_scalarmult_base(client_publickey, client_secretkey);

/* Create server's secret and public keys */
randombytes_buf(server_secretkey, sizeof server_secretkey);
crypto_scalarmult_base(server_publickey, server_secretkey);
/* The client derives a shared key from its secret key and the server's public key */
/* shared key = h(q ‖ client_publickey ‖ server_publickey) */
if (crypto_scalarmult(scalarmult_q_by_client, client_secretkey, server_publickey) != 0) {
    /* Error */
crypto_generichash_init(&h, NULL, 0U, sizeof sharedkey_by_client);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, scalarmult_q_by_client, sizeof scalarmult_q_by_client);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, client_publickey, sizeof client_publickey);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, server_publickey, sizeof server_publickey);
crypto_generichash_final(&h, sharedkey_by_client, sizeof sharedkey_by_client);
/* The server derives a shared key from its secret key and the client's public key */
/* shared key = h(q ‖ client_publickey ‖ server_publickey) */
if (crypto_scalarmult(scalarmult_q_by_server, server_secretkey, client_publickey) != 0) {
    /* Error */
crypto_generichash_init(&h, NULL, 0U, sizeof sharedkey_by_server);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, scalarmult_q_by_server, sizeof scalarmult_q_by_server);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, client_publickey, sizeof client_publickey);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, server_publickey, sizeof server_publickey);
crypto_generichash_final(&h, sharedkey_by_server, sizeof sharedkey_by_server);

/* sharedkey_by_client and sharedkey_by_server are identical */

If the intent is to create 256-bit keys (or less) for encryption, the final hash can also be set to output 512 bits: the first half can be used as a key to encrypt in one direction (for example from the server to the client), and the other half can be used in the other direction.

When using counters as nonces, having distinct keys allows the client and the server to safely send multiple messages without having to wait from an acknowledgment after each message.

typedef struct kx_session_keypair {
    unsigned char rx[32];
    unsigned char tx[32];
} kx_session_keypair;

kx_session_keypair kp;

if (crypto_scalarmult(scalarmult_q_by_client, client_secretkey, server_publickey) != 0) {
    /* Error */
crypto_generichash_init(&h, NULL, 0U, sizeof session_keypair_by_client);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, scalarmult_q_by_client, sizeof scalarmult_q_by_client);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, client_publickey, sizeof client_publickey);
crypto_generichash_update(&h, server_publickey, sizeof server_publickey);
crypto_generichash_final(&h, session_keypair_by_client, sizeof session_keypair_by_client);

kp->tx is a key that the server can use in order to encrypt data sent to the client, and kp->rx is a key that can be used in the opposite direction.


  • crypto_scalarmult_BYTES
  • crypto_scalarmult_SCALARBYTES


As X25519 encodes a field element that is always smaller than 2^255, the top bit is not used.


  • X25519 (ECDH over Curve25519) - RFC 7748

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